Sunday, 7 April 2013
Title: Daughter of smoke and bone
Author: Laini Taylor
Publisher:Hodder & Stoughton
Date published: Sept 2011
Genre: Fantasy/Romance/YA Fiction
My review: The first book in the series. I enjoyed this book. It ends 'to be continued' but it ends well, pulling the first installment to a close and book two will be the beginning of a new adventure for Karou and Akiva. A tricky little twist at the end made me say 'oh bugger. Akiva, you idiot'. The story takes place on Earth with flashbacks happening in Eretz (another world accessible through portals).
My rating: 4/5
Title: Days of blood and starlight
Author: Laini Taylor
Publisher:Hodder & Stoughton
Date published: 2012
Genre: Fantasy/Romance/YA Fiction
My review: The second book in the series. I enjoyed this book as much as the first. It again ends 'to be continued' and again it ends well. In this instalment Karou's life seemed to be the main focus and there was not as much interaction with Karou and Akiva. There were moments of Karou and the white wolf, Thiago. There were moments of Akiva, Liraz and Hazael. Even though they aren't getting along and do not know what the other has planned, they still end up striving toward the same dream they dreamed together. I absolutely love how Laini pulls her stories into a neat, tight knot with a twist in the end. They all end up coming together so fantastically. I cannot wait for the third instalment.
My rating: 4/5